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Navigate Optimised Model Portfolios
A simple and cost-effective way to invest at a risk/return level with which you feel comfortable.

Navigate is a list of investment choices offered via the Global Life Plan. Navigate optimised model portfolios are categorised according to the mix of assets they invest in and their risk exposure, for easy-to-understand investing. The Navigate guided list of funds is a selected range of funds from local and international companies with strong histories and performance records.

Plan Details
US$ / € / ₤ / AUD / CHF 25000 lump sum
PLUS additional transfers of US$ / € / ₤ / AUD / CHF 5000
The initial term is five years, after which it becomes open-ended. The value of the policy will form part of your estate plan when you die.
You have total freedom to change your underlying investments and there are no charges for the first four changes in a year. The minimum amount that can be switched is US$ / € / ₤ / AUD / CHF 1000.
There are three fund categories with different levels risk exposure:

Optimised Cautious Growth Optimised Moderate Growth Optimised Aggressive Growth
Objective Positive returns over the longer term with relatively low volatility. Capital preservation. Maximised risk-adjusted returns over the longer term (more than five years). Relatively high capital growth over the long term.
Manager flexibility Actively managed, but with different strategic approaches that determine where the manager may invest. Actively managed, and the managers have large degree of flexibility about where to invest. Actively managed, and the managers have the greatest degree of flexibility about where to invest.
  • The portfolios are organised in a simple and easy-to-understand manner
  • Our questionnaire can help you determine how much risk exposure you feel comfortable with
  • The flat administration fee means it is a cost-effective way to invest
  • You don't need a tax clearance certificate for investments less than R1 million
  • You make a lump sum investment
  • We invest the money in the underlying investments that you choose in collaboration with your financial advisor. The underlying funds within the model portfolios are also available as individual investment choices
  • Your money can grow over time based on your underlying investments
  • Ad hoc withdrawals are allowed but depend on the liquidity of the underlying investments
  • You cannot make regular or scheduled withdrawals
Please speak to your financial advisor to make sure you pay the correct fees and that you understand which fees you pay and why.
Get Advice

It is important to bear in mind that any investment has some risk. We therefore recommend that you consult a financial planner who can help you find the most appropriate products for your needs and circumstances.